Product Launch Press Release

press release distribution

Congratulations on the development of that great new product! It takes time, resources, and determination to bring an innovative idea all the way to fruition.

But now comes the hardest part. How are you going to let consumers know about your product? How will you make them want to buy it?

With a vast array of digital media platforms and social media sites at your disposal, it almost seems like there are too many options to choose from. It’s hard to know which of them will give you the biggest bang for your buck.

You can hit on all these platforms and many others simply by issuing a product launch press release. This will be a key component of your marketing campaign.

If written and formatted correctly, a product launch press release can bring positive media attention, presenting your new product to the public as the newsworthy event that it truly is.

Here are a few tips for writing an effective product launch press release.

  • Write an outline first. Use the outline to articulate the all-important 5w’s and h: who, what, where, when, why and how. What is it about your product that makes it different from all others? What problem is it going to solve? Answering these questions will help you appeal to journalists, who are looking to report factual information on innovative products.
  • Craft a punchy headline. A good headline accurately reflects the topic of the press release and makes the audience want to read more.
  • Keep your tone objective. We know that this product is life-changing and awesome, but strive to show that with data and facts instead of just telling it. Remember that this is a news story, not a commercial.
  • “An image is worth a thousands words.” Include a photograph of your product. Visuals always make a topic more engaging and memorable.
  • Conclude with accurate contact information. Provide a phone number and/or an email address that reporters can use to contact you for additional information.

Once you’ve written your product launch press release, go ahead and submit an online order at our website for press release distribution services. For only $129, we will distribute your press release to all the top-tier media networks, as well as push it out to the most common social media platforms.

Send Your Product Launch Press Release Now

You’ve worked hard on that new product. Don’t let it disappear! Make sure your potential customers learn about it as quickly and efficiently as possible.

With a little strategizing, you can create an e-commerce press release that gets the attention of the media and brings desired traffic to your store.