
Small Business Press Release Distribution

press release distribution

The digital age has completely transformed all aspects of modern life, including the way we do business. A whole new set of tactics are needed for attracting the attention of potential consumers. The small business press release is a time-tested method for getting news about your business out to media outlets. But just like everything […]


New Business Press Release

press release distribution

If you’ve just started a new business, chances are that you’re always searching for ways to get the word out. You probably have a website and a Facebook page to build publicity. But how do you get people to visit them? A small business press release could be just the tool you need to drive […]


Small Business Press Release

press release distribution

The challenges to running a small business seem infinite! Customer service, accounting, advertising, and many other jobs often all fall on one or two people. Unless you clone yourself, you’re working overtime every single day. If you’re in this position, then you already know you need to be as efficient as possible with your time. […]


Pharmaceutical Press Release

press release distribution

Pharmaceutical companies get a lot of attention in today’s media, and not all of it good. As the health industry in general is the subject of strong emotions and opinions, good PR is essential. A pharmaceutical press release is a cost-effective way to manage and enhance your reputation. We have seen some pharmaceutical press releases […]


Medical Newswire

press release distribution

A quick search reveals a plethora of options for reporters seeking a story about the latest medical news. There is any number of newswires that feature a “Medical” category, offering a collection of their latest medical press releases. Some of these newswires are specifically targeted to the medical field. Any one of them offers hundreds […]


Health Press Release Distribution

press release distribution

Are you a new health practitioner looking for ways to market your business? There are many options available to you. Social media marketing with tools like Facebook and Twitter can be very effective, but time-consuming. You could easily spend hours every day building your online presence, and then how will you find time to actually […]


Health Care Press Release

press release distribution

A healthcare press release is a valuable public relations tool. Whether you are announcing new services, adding a new staff member, or even managing a crisis, a healthcare press release is the most efficient way to make sure that your news gets out to journalists who may report it. But how can you ensure that […]


Medical Press Release

press release distribution

If you work in the health or medical industry, then you probably have some information to convey about this rapidly-changing field. There are always new recommendations and study results. Consumers are eager to know about these in order to make informed decisions about their health. But what is the quickest, most efficient way to share […]


Political Press Release Sample

press release distribution

A political press release can be a very valuable tool when used strategically during a campaign. However, during an election the sheer volume of political press releases that are issued every day means that many will be ignored. Busy journalists simply do not have time to read them all. A well-written, newsworthy political press release […]


Political Announcement Press Release Samples

press release distribution

Your political organization has news that you want to share with the world, and time is of the essence. Perhaps a new trend is evident in the polls, or maybe you are planning a truly amazing fundraiser. In the digital age, there are a multitude of tools at your disposal: Twitter, Facebook, even just a […]