Kickstarter Press Release Template

A strategic key step to promoting your Kickstarter campaign is to send out a press release to let the world know about your Kickstarter project and grab the attention of prospective funders for your Kickstarter campaign.

We have included a Kickstarter press release template below to help you write your press release.


Kickstarter Campaign [Product, Invention or Idea Name] a [2-4 Word Description of Product]

Press Release Body:

[CITY, STATE ABBREVIATION] – [MM/DD/YYYY] — [Product, Invention or Idea Name], a [3-6 Word Description of Product], launches on Kickstarter. [Additional information supporting your lead paragraph such as claims, significance or how the Kickstarter project will help the prospective audience.]

[Additional 2 paragraphs with information such as backing up the claims made in your lead paragraph, elaborating on how the Kickstarter project will help the prospective audience, details about your Kickstarter campaign such as how many current backers, projectiles, etc.]

“[Quote about the Kickstarter project from a key role member of the Kickstarter campaign such as the Founder, Creative Director, or CEO.]”, said [First and Last Name], [Role] of [Kickstarter Project Name].

To contribute to this Kickstarter campaign, please visit [Kickstarter Project Page Link].

Send Your Kickstarter Press Release Now