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Entrepreneur Gary Vee’s Efficiency Hack That You’ve Never Heard Of 🤯

For those who are not familiar with Gary Vee, or Gary Vaynerchuk, he is a popular figure in the entrepreneurship and marketing space. He is known for his YouTube presence as well as leveraging the Internet and social media to grow his brands, including VaynerX/Vayner Media, Wine Library TV and Resy.

We found a video of him sharing a shocking technique that he adopts to increase efficiency.

You’ll never find this technique in any business, marketing or self help book.

Take a guess what it is.

Ready for it?

“I’ve swallowed every piece of gum I’ve ever chewed in my life… I think it’s efficiency. The 1/100th of a second putting it in a napkin.”

There you have it.

The secret to achieving 1/100th of a second in efficiency.

Here is the original video from Gary Vee (and we encourage you to check out his other videos):

Fortunately, we have a better way for you to achieve efficiency that doesn’t involve gastrointestinal discomfort.

Our PR Writing + PR Distribution packages can save you hours of time that you could otherwise spend on other aspects of your business or job.

For those want maximum efficiency, saving you tens or even hundreds of hours overtime, we have PR Autopilot packages, where you can set a schedule and frequency for how many PRs you want to release each month. You provide us with the topics or themes you want us to cover, and we will write and distribute your PR, based on the quantity and schedule that works best for you.

PR Writing + PR Distribution™ 🖋

PR Autopilot™ 🛩

PR Distribution™ 🚀

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